-Alle Live-Übertragungen werden aufgezeichnet und stehen zeitnah in der Mediathek bereit. Premium-Mitglieder haben Zugriff auf über 100.000 Stunden Videomaterial in unserem Archiv und genießen viele weitere Vorteile.
-Jährlich überträgt ClipMyHorse.TV mehr als 800 Veranstaltungen live, die im Anschluss die Mediathek ergänzen.
What connection do our viewers have to the equestrian sport?
71,3% active riders
33,1% generally interested
27,4% family related reasons
19,2% stable/barn owners
18,6% professionally connected
Your leading provider for equestrian- and breeding video marketing
Do you have any questions?
Your points of contact
You choose which markets you want to target in the countries in which the viewers that are supposed to see your ads are located. In the advertisement forms Commercials and PreRolls a targeting according to event or discipline is possible as well. This way your advertisement achieves the necessary impact without exceeding blowing the budget.
The media files are supposed to give a first overview. One opportunity for you is to define a budget that is supposed
to be invested into your campaign on ClipMyHorse.TV. Together with potentially upcoming questions we can in the next step prepare a suitable quotation.
‘Typical for the web‘
Rotations with other bookings
in the lists, in which users are searching
for records
‘Typical for TV’
Commercial blocks in short breaks of the
For premium users not during the action
but within short breaks (such as during
ground care or in between classes
and jump off, ...)
‘Opening Clip’
Automated play in of clips at the beginning of a livestream
Very short (max.10 seconds) but
very effective in attracting attention
Our advertisement formats
Branded Content
We create content
and convince our viewers of your brand.
We develop stories in various formats and spread your story through all channels.
Single contributions and series formats are possible.
What is Branded Content?
Branded Content is the creation of content that does not smell of advertising at all.
The aim of content marketing is to create content that convinces and binds the user of a brand, an offer or a service. The added value of the produced content is the focus.
Content marketing is also suitable for pursuing all of a company's basic communication goals:
Your access to over 4 million horse enthusiasts
ClipMyHorse.TV currently registers around 46 million video views per annum
Our regular users are athletes, horse owners and breeders
We have created a first-class marketing platform, to reach out to your financially strong target audience without dispersion losses
The marketing of our website and our events is promoted by our powerful social media channels